
Whole Genome Association Analysis

Genome-wide association study(GWAS) has the advantages of fast and accurate localization of important traits, especially complex shapes, in animal and plant studies. Genotyping of representative varieties, native species or wild species of a crop or livestock based on high-throughput sequencing can be combined with accurate phenotypic data to locate important complex traits of crops or livestock. Especially in populations including wild species, domesticated species and improved species, combining population evolution analysis to locate important genes that have received domestication and improvement is an important idea for studying the microevolution of crops or livestock and the phenotype of domestication and improvement.

  • Mapping of complex traits in plants and animals
Product TypeSequencing StrategyIndicatorCycle
GWASNovaSeq 6000
Sample size ≥200;
Sequencing depth ≥5X/individual
Analysis cycle 45 days ( within 400 samples, below 5T of data )
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Product typeSampling requirements
GWASSample type: genome DNA sample
Sample demand: small fragment library0.2 μg
Sample concentration: ≥5 ng/μL
Sample purity: OD260/280= 1.8-2.2; OD260/230=0.8-2.5

Sample quality: genomic integrity, clear main bands, free of degradation and contamination
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