
Third-generation Animal and Plant Resequencing

The third-generation genome resequencing of animal and plant is a genome sequencing based on next-generation sequencing technology, which mainly focuses on the analysis of single nucleotide variation (SNP) and small fragment insertion deletion mutation (InDel), and faces challenges in the detection of variation in some repeated regions and structural variation in large fragments (SV). PacBio long-read sequencing can effectively cover long structural variation sequences, and low-depth third-generation sequencing can accurately identify most structural variations in animal and plant genomes.

  • Variant detection
  • Trait research
  • Evolution research
5、TGS - third-generation animal and plant resequencing.png
Type of Variant DetectionLibrary Type
SNP、InDel、SV15k /20 k HiFi DNA library
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Library TypeSampling Requirements

HiFi DNA Library

Concentration ≥80 ng/μL

Total amount ≥6.5μg

Genome integrity, main band ≥30 kb

OD260/280=1.8-2.0; OD260/230=1.6-2.5; NC/QC=0.5-3.0

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